Blog: Dog and Cat

Deworming Services for Pets

No matter how strong their stomachs are, pets are no match for worms. These parasites come in all shapes and sizes, causing serious harm to our furry friends’ wellbeing. The good news is that with regular deworming treatments, your pet will have ample protection from these pesky creatures. Call us...

Dermatology Services for Pets

The skin and coat is the largest organ in our pets’ bodies making up about 15% of their overall weight. For this reason, dermatological health plays a huge part in their quality of life. It’s no wonder skin issues are some of the most common reasons why pets come to...

Dental Care Services for Pets

Nothing can brighten a day quite like a pet’s wide, toothy grin. To keep it healthy and shining, it’s important pets have a comprehensive care routine both at home and here with our team. Call us at 416-481-1127 to find out more about our dental care services. 

Cardiology Services for Pets

Unfortunately, heart disease is a reality for a large portion of the pet population. By the time they reach their senior years, about 25% of dogs are prone to developing heart disease and other cardiac problems. Fortunately, with proper care and help from our team, your pet can still live...